SpatialStream® Code Examples

SVG Decorator

Finding new ways to display application data that enhance your end-users' ability to understand and analyze that data is an ongoing challenge for mapping application developers. The SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format for symbols used in SpatialStream® allows for the easy modification of symbols and offers a greater ability to do multivariate data display. SVG symbols are scalable and their display and behavior are under the complete control of the developer.

This example shows the application of SVG symbols for real estate listing data and makes use of an SVG decorator, yellow exclamation point in this instance, to highlight select properties on the map (those with a price reduction). Using the same symbol, you can show multiple symbol variations based off of attributes in your data set.

SVG | GetMap

map.getDMPLayerById("listingLayer").getChildById("listingResource").attr("style", sld);

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